Eating Spanish Paella @ La Pepica in Valencia, Spain (Video)

In the last episode of Follow Jordan, we went into the kitchen of La Pepica. La Pepica is one of Valencia’s most famous paella places.

And since Valencia, Spain is the world’s most famous paella city, I think it’s safe to say that La Pepica in Valencia is one of the most famous paella places in all the world.

If you missed that episode, you can watch it now.

In this episode, we go into the dining room, order and eat. I edited out all the boring parts… this is the highlight reel–just the fun stuff–the interactions with the waiters, some fun games, and my no BS reviews of all the food I ate.

I’ve included a full transcript in both Spanish and English below, so maybe you can even learn a thing or two.

Vamos! (Let’s go!)

Jordan: Y qué tenemos aquí? Esto es…

Waiter #1: Tenemos una tomatito rodallito con aceite de oliva. Esgarrat. Bacalao de Migao. Con pimiento asado. Trocito de Mojama. Salazón. Pan.

Jordan: Salazón es qué? Es un carne de un cerdo?

Waiter #1: No. Salazón es… todo el pescado que está ahumado. Se llamamos Salazón. El bacalao—Salazón. El pimiento—no. El pimiento está asado. Y esto es atún. Lomo de atún.

Jordan: Muy bien.

Waiter #1: Vale. Se llama Mojama Salazonado. Vale?

Jordan: El plato?

Waiter #1: Sí… El plato se llama Esgarrat.

Jordan: Garat?

Waiter #1: ES garrat.

Jordan: Esgarrat!

Waiter #1: ES GARR AT

Jordan: Es el plato. Y esto es? Como se llama?

Waiter #1: Mojama. Bacalao. Pimiento asado.

Jordan: Ok, muy bien. Gracias.

Waiter #1: Ok? Pan con aceite y un poco de perejil y un poco de ajo. Vale?

Jordan: Cool.

Waiter #1: Y vino tinto. Primera de _______ Muy bueno. Lo prueba usted, por favor.

Jordan: Está bien. Sí.

Waiter #1: Gracias. Que aproveche.

Waiter #1: Para mezclarlo en y con el arroz y poner en el pan. Ok?

Jordan: Muy bien. Gracias.

Waiter #1: Paellita.

Jordan: No es suficiente…

Waiter #1: No es suficiente?

Jordan: Para mi…Para una persona como—yo tengo mucha hambre.

Waiter #1: Muy bien, pues hacemos otra rápido. No problema. Aquí nunca se va nadie con hambre.

Jordan: Lo creo.

Waiter #1: Aproveche.

Waiter #2: Hoy no ha salido el mejor. Mira—los tres colores. El café, el cognac—

Jordan: Sí.

Waiter #2: Más o menos. Other days it comes out for me better. But today…

Jordan: Está bien. Me parece bien. Gracias.

Jordan: And what do we have here? This is…

Waiter #1: We have a tomato puree with olive oil. Esgarrat. Cod. With roasted pepper. Little slices of Mojama.

Jordan: Salazon is what? It’s meat from a pig?

Waiter #1: No Salazon is all fish that’s smoked. We call it Salazon. The cod—smoked. The pepper—no. It’s roasted. And this is tuna. Tenderloin of tuna.

Jordan: Great.

Waiter #1: Ok. It’s called Mojama Sazonado. Okay?

Jordan: The plate?

Waiter #1: Yes… The plate is called Esgarrat.

Jordan: Garat?

Waiter #1: ES garrat.

Jordan: Esgarrat!

Waiter #1: ES GARR AT

Jordan: It’s the plate. And this? What’s it called?

Waiter #1: Tuna. Cod. Roasted Pepper.

Jordan: Ok, great. Thanks.

Waiter #1: Ok? Bread with oil and a little bit of parsley and a little bit of garlic. Ok?

Jordan: Cool.

Waiter #1: And red wine. First of ______. Very good. Please try it.

Jordan: It’s good. Thanks.

Waiter #1: Thanks. I hope you enjoy.

Waiter #1: To mix it with the rice and put it on the bread. Ok?

Jordan: Very good. Thanks.

Waiter #1: Paella.

Jordan: It’s not enough…

Waiter #1: It’s not enough?

Jordan: For me, for a personal like—I am very hungry.

Waiter #1: Very good, well we’ll make another one quickly. No problem. Here nobody leaves hungry.

Jordan: I believe it.

Waiter #1: Enjoy.

Waiter #2: Today it didn’t come out the best. Look at the 3 colors—the coffee, the cognac—

Jordan: Yes.

Waiter #2: More or less. Other days it comes out better for me. But today…

Jordan: It’s fine. It looks fine. Thank you.

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