The Campeche Market: Tamales, Chiles Rellenos, And Finding My “Inner Rachel Ray”…

I had a great day at the Campeche market yesterday.  I was invited as a guest by Alberto to his little restaurant just outside the market.  The point of the trip was to try his “Chile Relleno” or stuffed chilli pepper.

Not only did I try it, but I got to see them actually make it.  And I got a little tamale-making lesson to boot.

Check it out:

Here are directions to the restaurant:

STEP 1:  Go to the Zocalo (main plaza) and take this street:

STEP 2:  Walk 2-4 blocks until you hit the main road, cross the road at a pedestrian walkway.

STEP 3:  Find the street that has this on the corner:

If you can’t find that, just look for this, the street you want is the only one that has this directly across from it:

STEP 4:  Walk down the street, restaurant will be on your left, and it looks like this:

SHORT CUT: You can just keep asking for the intersections of Costa Rica and Chihauhau.

Hope you find it okay, any questions—please don’t hesitate to ask.  I love talking about this stuff!

Safe travels,

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